Makie Artist – Seishu


Taiwanese Contemporary Lacquer Artist



HO CHING 1991, born in Keelung City, Taiwan. Now lives in Kaohsiung.

 She started apprenticeship with Japanese lacquer master Yamazaki Mushu from 2017, becoming an independent lacquer artist with the artist name Seishu in April 2020. From now on, it’s a new milestone for being an artist who wants to combine Artistic, Modern Design & Traditional Techniques.

 Since she was in apprenticeship, she has been creating her own works by following the master’s instructions of technique, and exhibited regularly at some prestigious exhibitions in Ishikawa of Japan and Taiwan, including the annual Kenrokuen Tea meeting Exhibition; Yamanaka Makie Lacquer Exhibition; and the Taiwan Craft Competition.




Completed the apprenticeship, starting personal career and atelier, and using the art-name Seishu, which was given by the master.


Started apprenticeship with one of the most prestigious Maki-e master of 21-century, Yamazaki Mushu.


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,

Department of Industrial and Commercial Design with Industrial Design Concentration


Dept. of Advertisement of ER Xin High School


Internship and volunteers

2019   Pelikan fountain pen making: Souverän® M1000 Raden Green Ray

2018   As a translator for Lacquer Ware Exhibition of Yamanaka in Singapore

2018   Pelikan fountain pen making: Souverän® M800 Raden Royal Gold

2017   Pelikan fountain pen making: Souverän® M805 Raden Royal Platinum

2013   Flora’s Design Expo Park     Seminar worker

2013   Taiwan Designers’ week      Team leader of volunteers

2013   Yilan Chair Design Competition   Project personnel

2012   Taiwan Designers’ week         Volunteer



2023 尚羽堂 Fine Writing Int. | Maki-e fountain pen making

2022 北投文物館 Mushu & Seishu – Lacquer Exhibition of Master & Apprentice | Urushi workshop

2022 東梨學院 Tunglee Academy | Urushi workshop

2022 尚羽堂 Fine Writing Int. | Set of Four Season Series, Maki-e fountain pen

2021 祥雲龍吟 Shoun Ryugin (Michelin 2 stars) | Tableware by Maki-e

2021 尚羽堂 Fine Writing Int. | Maki-e fountain pen making

2020 老徐木作 Zoulele Handmade Ukulele | Inlay & Rosette by Maki-e


Exhibition & Award

2022 Mushu & Seishu – Lacquer Exhibition of Master & Apprentice at Beitou Museum in Taipei, Taiwan

2021   Group Exhibition《New Relics Lacquer Art》at Artnutri Gallery in Taichung, Taiwan

2021   Group Exhibition of NTCRI: Taiwan X Japan Contemporary Lacquer

2019   Taiwan Craft Competition: The Dream Of Craft | Judges' Award

2019   No.25th Exhibition of Kenrokuen Tea Meeting | Judges' Award

2019   No.92th Exhibition of Yamanaka Makie Lacquer | Kaga Chamber of Commerce & Industry Award

2018    No.24th Exhibition of Kenrokuen Tea Meeting | Outstanding Performance Award

2018    No.91th Exhibition of Yamanaka Makie Lacquer

2017  No.90th Exhibition of Yamanaka Makie Lacquer | Chairman Award of Yamanaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry

2014   Taiwan TECH | APP UI Design | The first place

2014   Young Designers’ Exhibition | Beehive Design

2013   Taiwan Designers’ week | Rising Star: Tableware 月未央

Press, Magazine & Newspaper

2022 台灣郵報 特約記者 – 宋吉清 | 夢舟‧靜舟-日本漆藝師徒聯展在台灣

Taiwan post | Mushu‧Seishu – Japanese Lacquer Exhibition of Master & Apprentice

2017 秋季号『国内外から石川に魅せられ作り手の声』| ほっと石川

Autumn quarterly『The sound of craftsmen who obsessed by Ishikawa’s crafts』

| ‘‘Hot Ishikawa’’

2017 12月 No.147『キラリ!かがビト』| 広報かが

           NO.147 in DEC『Shining!Kaga people』| Kaga Local periodical

2018 蒔絵修業 台湾から | 北陸中日新聞

          Makie Apprentice, came from Taiwan | HOKURIKU CHUNICHI NEWS

2018 『キラリ!いしかわ人』| 金沢情報

         『Shining!Ishikawa people』 | Magazine Of Kanazawa Information

2019 450年の技 職人に聞く | 北国新聞

          Around Kaga: Promotion of Yamanaka Lacquer | HOKUKOKU NEWS

2019    蒔絵細工 台湾から修業 | 北陸中日新聞

          Makie, The apprentice from Taiwan | THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN